I love a good parenting book! I have a few solid resources that I have recommended to many friends over the years. Jamie Woolf’s new book is the type of book I love to read, it reinforces that we ARE doing the right thing and provides many tips. I appreciate the correlation between our careers and running a household - confirmation that it IS okay.
I have a copy of Jamie’s new book to give-a-way. Send me an email with ‘Mom-in-Chief’ in the subject line if you are interested in receiving a free copy. I will select a winner at random on Monday Feb 16th.
You can purchase this book at Amazon in hardcover or electronically for Kindle
Author Q&A:
Tell us a little about yourself (biography): I have always loved to write and have been passionate about leadership for decades--what makes some leaders bring out the worst in people and others bring out the best. Then when I had my first child, I grew more and more convinced that the best leaders and the most effective parents use many of the same skills to unleash the potential of others.
Do you write daily? I write daily--sometimes just blog, sometimes I write essays, sometimes poetry, sometimes journal entries about my kids
What do you think of the electronic book (kindles and such)? I haven't tried kindle. I still like holding books.
What is one tip that you can share with aspiring writers? I think aspiring writers should read voraciously
What are you reading now? I'm reading Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father and astonished by how well written it is, and how honest and vulnerable he is
Lastly, share one or two of your all time favorite novels read, excluding classics: My all time favorite book- Go Dog GoOK, and for those of you who want something a little more sophisticated, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
From Jamie’s website:
We work so hard to build our management and leadership skills in our careers, but we often feel like blithering idiots when faced with a child who won't cooperate, a husband who doesn't pay attention and a household that seems ready to collapse from the weight of our anxiety about chores. “Why can't I be as smart at home as I am at work?” I have often found myself wondering.
Mom-in-Chief offers practical solutions to common leadership dilemmas, including:
- When to step in and when to step back
- Why working with your spouse or partner is crucial to executive function and team happiness.
- How to maximize the learning opportunities that come from mistakes
- How to stay connected with a pesky toddler or testy teenager
- How to create rituals that strengthen the family's esprit de corps
- How to feel less like a maid or short-order cook and more like a skilled leader capable of unleashing the potential of others
Jamie Woolf is a veteran leadership consultant and contributor to Working Mother Magazine who does special trainings, radio shows, workshops, webcasts, and conference appearances for the magazine. In addition, Woolf is CEO and founder of The Parent Leader and Pinehurst Consulting; she works with corporate clients to help companies be more productive and family friendly. Jamie Woolf lives with her husband and two daughters in Oakland, California.
Type: Parenting, 262 pages, hardcover
Reviews:“Jamie Woolf makes a strong and compelling case that good parenting not only requires real leadership skills but also strengthens them.” – Dee Dee Myers author, ‘Why women should rule the World’ and former White House press secretary
“Being a mom means being a leader, and that is exactly what Jamie Woolf explores in her delightfully engaging, masterfully researched, and highly practical new book.” - Jim Kouzes, co-author, ‘The Leadership Challenge”