Kristi (PeatSwea) and I are almost done with Anna, I can't wait to see what's going to happen.
Part six is titled 'When Hope Lives'. We are learning more about the characters but nothing explosive happens to move the plot forward (it's just keeping a good pace). In the beginning of this section there was a lot of time spent with the men, on a hunt. To be honest, this part didn't keep my interest and I was wondering if it was necessary to the story. Looking back I'm happy it's there, we did get to experience the day to day life in this section.
Those who know the couple understand why Anna fell in love and most are sympathetic to the situation but are guiding her to takes the necessary steps towards divorce and continue living where she is currently living (away from society).
By the end of part six you get the sense that change is coming. Anna and Vronsky are living a married lifestyle, even though she is not divorced yet. Vronsky discusses how his child bears Karenin's last name and this is a terrible misfortune. Anna does share a secret, the illness she has recovered from has left her barren. In addition to this news, Anna is starting to really understand the consequences to actions earlier in the story.
We are using Oprah's discussion guide to help facilitate the dialog. This link will bring you to the recap and a list of discussion questions. I have selected three to answer below.
Questions for Part 6:
1.Talk about Dolly's visit to see Anna. What do you think of Anna's "secret" and her reasons for keeping it? Anna is insecure, I'm sure she hasn't felt comfortable sharing this secret - what is Vronsky leaves her? What would she do? I'm sure she feels there is no upside to telling Vronsky that she can no longer have children.
2. Has Anna and Vronsky's love affair grown healthier now that they are away from the prying eyes of society? Do you feel they are still in love with each other? It feels like their relationship has moved past the infatuation stage and that they have settled into a good life pace. They do seem happy and I believe they are still in love with each other at the end of part six.
3. At the end of Part Six, Anna and Vronsky settle in Moscow expecting of a divorce from Karenin. Knowing what you know, do you expect him to grant it? I don't think Karenin will grant the divorce but if he does I'm sure it will not be as easy as Anna hopes. Part 4 left us thinking that he has no intention of making Anna's life easier without it benefiting him.
These last two questions leave me wondering what will happen in the last two parts of the novel. Will Anna and Vronky's love conquer all? Will Karenin grant the divorce, if not what will happen? If Vronsky no longer loves Anna... what will she do?