Review: Save Me

Why I picked: I didn't know this was a new release and just happened to see it on the shelf of my local library.  I have listened to one other book by this author and thought I would give her another try.

Synopsis:  Look Again is an emotionally powerful novel about a split-second choice, agonizing consequences, and the need for justice.

Rose McKenna volunteers as a lunch mom in her daughter Melly’s school in order to keep an eye on Amanda, a mean girl who’s been bullying her daughter. Her fears come true when the bullying begins, sending Melly to the bathroom in tears. Just as Rose is about to follow after her daughter, a massive explosion goes off in the kitchen, sending the room into chaos. Rose finds herself faced with the horrifying decision of whether or not to run to the bathroom to rescue her daughter or usher Amanda to safety. She believes she has accomplished both, only to discover that Amanda, for an unknown reason, ran back into the school once out of Rose's sight. In an instance, Rose goes from hero to villain as the small community blames Amanda’s injuries on her. In the days that follow, Rose's life starts to fall to pieces, Amanda’s mother decides to sue, her marriage is put to the test, and worse, when her daughter returns to school, the bullying only intensifies. Rose must take matters into her own hands and get down to the truth of what really happened that fateful day in order to save herself, her marriage and her family. 

Type: Fiction

Quick Take: This is the second novel I have read by Scottoline where the main character, a mom with no training in crime solving, solves a crime.  Is this what she writes about?  Let me start by saying I enjoyed this book more than what my review will say... if my book club read this and we were discussing it I would have a few issues to discuss.

The first half of this book was much more believeable, in the second half Rose went undercover, walked around a union managed plant with ease and solved a crime that the police claim was an accident.  If part of a school explodes I can't imagine the investigation taking less than a week. 

I also didn't like that the elementary school mom's left hostile voicemails and emails telling Rose how terrible she was for choosing to save her daughter over another student.  This bothered me throughout the entire novel (it happend over an over).

Birthmarks can be removed easily these days, right?  Rose's daughter is bullied (third grade) over her love for Harry Potter and a birthmark on her cheek.  It's not discussed in the novel why the parents chose not to have this removed, instead they move school districts to get away from bullying.  I think I would have a mole/birthmark removed (if possible) rather than have my child go through life being bullied/low self esteem.  What would you do?

So now you are wondering why I finished it, right?  So am I, I can say I did enjoy the constant plot twists. 

Have you read this book?  Do details like the ones above bother you when you read?  I struggle with this stuff all the time.... if you can overlook this stuff, I would give this 3/5 stars for pure entertainment purposes.

Rating: 3/5 stars

Source: Library (Audio)
Challenge: 2011 audio book challenge