Meet Phoebe. I call her zen puppy because she's laid back and lovable.
She weighed just nine pounds in this photograph.
Joining our family
A week after returning from our July holiday in Boulder, the World Traveler sent me this email:
I found a nine week old puppy on Craig's List. Do you want to call the breeder and see if she's still available for adoption?
It was 3PM when I received his email. By 6PM I had driven almost two hours, to Woodstock NY, and was holding this sweet puppy for the first time.
Phoebe is one of a litter of twelve, and loves to cuddle! She slept in my lap the entire drive home.
Two months later...
Puppies shake up daily routines. Learning her schedule, praying she's a good sleeper, potty training, etc... it took two weeks for Lily to like the puppy but so worth it.
I'm thankful we used Cesar's Way to introduce the dogs, letting Lily lead the way. We now have three dogs that love each other immensely.
I wonder if carrying Phoebe for two weeks helped create a love bug. She is by far the sweetest, most loving, social, calm dog we have owned. A quick study, Phoebe has imprinted off the older dogs.
At four and a half months old, she weighs about 22 pounds and is all legs. It's fun to watch her body grow so quickly. The breeder tells us Phoebe will be close to 80 pounds.
Photo love... look at this face! I post a lot of photos to IG and hope to get a good photo of Jessie, Lily, and Phoebe soon.
Well, it's time for a morning walk with the love bug.
Much love, Mari