I know several of you are anxious for me to share my Kili story, it's coming. I did journal so I just need to take time to translate my notes into a post. I promise to share this in the next few days.
While you wait, here's a story for you.
Trekking story: WT was just talking to a good friend, bonding over the British Open when I overheard him share a story that I hadn't thought to share. He was talking about how hard the hike was (it wasn't hard physically)... one day we hiked for eight hours, starting at 13,000 feet, climbing to 15,000 and ending the day back at 13,000. We were walking around the mountain, while acclimatizing!
We came in from the western side of the mountain, something few do. Starting from the Kenyan side meant we had to hike from the northwest side to the southeast side to get to the trail leading to the peak. Bonus: we spent a week without seeing anyone climbing the mountain.
I'm also planning to make this summer treat - I will make ice cube's for a small flavor explosion of coconut, honey, fruit and a hint of rosemary. Click here for the recipe.
Reading: I have been reading Vanity Fare for two weeks. I hope to give myself permission to snuggle up with my book today, finish it.
It was impossible to read on vacation. I didn't bring anything to read on the trek and the roads in Africa are exactly as described to us in books... you head bobs from left to right, you are air-born often.
Listening to: the British Open is on in family room.
Excited: to finish going through photos from vacation.
Planning: I might be done traveling internationally for the year but this hasn't stopped me from planning a trip for next February. Bill just asked me if I want to go to Thailand with him in February... a work trip for him but a convention so it would be a great blend of exploring and socializing. Have you been to Thailand?
Grateful: for air conditioning! I don't like hot weather... so this week has been tough. Remember, for me, I was in 0-5 degrees Fahrenheit with 40 MPH winds last week, now it's 100. That's a quite a range.
Do you have any exciting plans this weekend? I'm happy to say I have no plans other than to catch up, relax... bliss.
Have a wonderful week, and remember... Life, it's happening!